Friday, May 7, 2010

My first born's entrance

Dear Kaitlyn,

My goodness where do I start? At the beginning of course. I waited for you for a long time. Sometimes patiently, sometimes not so much. It took seven years for you to get here, but it was definitely worth the wait. I was thrilled when we found out we were having a little girl. I knew you were going to be a little mini me. How could you not? Carrying you was so easy. I never got uncomfortable or too big. I never had morning sickness and I thank you for that.

Labor was just as easy. I didn't even know that I was in labor. I was waiting for the pain to get "more intense" as the nurse on the phone stated. It never got to that point. I wanted some Tylenol to dull the ache in my back, but your father scared me into not taking any. All of the sudden, I felt like I had to push...YOU WERE COMING AND WE WERE STILL AT HOME! Luckily daddy already put my bag in the car. All we had to do was put the dogs away and we were off. And I mean it. Daddy was driving a tad reckless; he did run that red light. He also power opened the automatic doors to get in to the hospital. (You have to buzz to get in past 8pm and it was around 10:30) As I was filling out the little paperwork, the pain got a little more intense. The nurse asked me when my water broke, I said I didn't think it did. She did an internal exam and discovered, it had in fact broke, I was complete, and you were coming. I didn't even have time to change out of my street clothes. They threw me on a bed and wheeled me to the birthing floor. Of course they kept checking to see if they saw your head coming, but you were a good little girl and waited till we got to your room. My midwife was not at the hospital yet because the answering service told us they would call when we got to the hospital. She didn't make it in time. You were already here when she arrived. You were so beautiful! Daddy was so proud, taking pictures and video of you, texting everyone we knew that you were here. I was exhausted and in some pain. I didn't have time for any medication since we waited so long to get to the hospital so I was feeling everything. People were prodding me and poking me and checking vitals. I wanted to swat them all away and just hold you. I didn't really get to hold you for awhile, really until we were going to our recovery room because of a minor complication with the afterbirth.

When I did finally get to hold and see you, it was love at first sight. I couldn't get over how cute you were! All newborns are pretty much ugly, but not you. You were so cute! Of course you were the cuteness newborn in the world. We had to stay in the hospital an extra day to make sure there was no infection in me since I had no clue when my water broke so we were more than ready to come home on the third day. We packed you up in your pink and white striped lamb outfit, pink knitted hat and purple blanket that Aunt Tina bought for you. We carefully put you in your car seat and daddy drove oh so carefully while I sat in the backseat with you, marveling at how wonderfully adorable you were.

When we got home, we quickly introduced you to the dogs. We put you on the floor and let them sniff you. They quickly approved with a quick lick of your head and our little family was happy and together.

You were such a wonderful and easy little baby and I was thankful for the 6 months that I was going to be able to spend with you at home. Of course I'll have to write you about those days, but that me dear is for another time.

Hugs and kisses,

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