Monday, May 10, 2010

He bumped his head...

Hard. Thankfully, he woke up in the morning. I guess it wasn't that hard, thank God.

I guess I should start at the beginning. Tyler had a doctor's appointment for his 4 month well baby checkup. I had the day off of school, but wanted the kiddies to go to daycare so I could get some stuff done. Plus, it's just easier to leave Kaitlyn at daycare than try to entertain her at the doctor's office while Tyler is getting his checkup. I went to pick Tyler up from daycare and he was in his crib...just woke up from a nap, perfect timing on my part. His teacher wanted to change his diaper before we left. Not going to fight someone over changing a diaper. I pay more than enough to have someone else do it. She went to go pick him up out of his crib and turn to put him on the changing table. Another little fast crawler got under her feet in no time at all and she tripped over him and fell with Tyler in her arms. She banged her head against the changing table and her arms, that were holding Tyler, swung with continued momentum until his head also hit the changing table. He bounced right out of her arms when she hit the floor. Thank God I was there to scoop him up because she was knocked out for a second. It all happened so fast but it felt like everything moved in slow motion while she fell. I couldn't stop it from happening. I couldn't keep her from falling. I couldn't catch my son and save him from banging his head. I couldn't even speak fast enough to tell her she had another baby right under her feet! I held it together at the center, but as soon as I got outside, I lost it. I mean I just watched someone else DROP MY BABY! I called my husband on my way to the doctor to let him know what happened and of course he left work to see if Tyler was ok. Thankfully the wait time at my pediatrician is never long and I told the nurse about his accident. She looked at his head and saw the bump and wrote it down on Tyler's chart. She took all his stats, 90th percentile for everything except his weight which was off the chart, and then left to get the doctor. Luckily our pediatrician is a very calm, sweet and soothing lady, also a family friend, so I don't tend to panic in her presence. She talked about all the normal stuff at a well baby check up and gave him a good once over. She began reading his chart and only then did she see that he hit his head. She looked at the bump and saw that it was the size of a nickel and not even red anymore. She said that she would not have even known that he hit his head only an hour before had it not been written down. Of course Tyler was grinning from ear to ear during the whole examination and he was cooing and spitting like he always does. He's such a happy little guy. She felt he was fine because he was acting so happy. She also asked if he cried right away and I said that he did. I guess with bad head injuries people are stunned at first and can't respond and that's bad. She told us to keep and eye on him and to let her know if he starts acting funny or throws up, but she felt confident that he was ok and he could get his shots. So he got his shots, two this time, yay for combining vaccines, and we went home.

I had to go back to the center to pick up Kaitlyn and of course everyone had heard about the fall. The center director and assistant director said they watched the video to see what happened. I think the fast crawler is going to be moved up to the next room where the cribs are separate from the play area so he can't get under foot in that situation again. Tyler's teacher had to be sent home because she was in pain and very upset over the whole thing. I'll have to comfort her on Monday.

What a start to the weekend!

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