Monday, May 21, 2012

Getting Back to Healthy

That's where I am today.  After roughly three weeks of not eating right and no exercise, I'm turning over a new leaf...again.  I really need to change my bad habits, not only for myself, but for my kids.  I don't worry about Tyler because that boy will choose a veggie over sweats any day of the week and twice on Sunday.  He's always on the go and never sits still for one minute of the day, not even in his sleep.  Kaitlyn, on the other hand, will eat junk food until she bursts at the seems and is perfectly content watching Disney Princess movies all day long.  I don't want her to struggle with her weight as she gets older and I don't want her to have food issues either.  Those are problems I just don't want her to have.  I want her to learn how to nourish her body and not to ask for seconds when her stomach and brain haven't even processed her first helping.  I want to fill her plate with veggies, not just a few pieces to try and then exclaim 'YUCK' while gagging and trying to swallow.  Before I can ask those things of her, I need to show her how it's done through me.

I'm not a junk food junkie by any means.  I'm probably the only person in the world who loves Brussels sprouts and lima beans.  It's just easier when you are a busy mother who works outside the home to grab for the pre-packaged items to give your kids and yourself instead of washing and cutting up fruits and veggies.  I know there are pre-packaged fruit and veggie items out there, but they cost a fortune and I just cannot justify spending money on those items especially since they have added preservatives in them as well.  I should make better decisions about what goes in to mine and my children's mouths, but I'm just lazy like that.  It also doesn't help that the husband is a junk food junkie and is typically the one who does the grocery shopping even though I give him specific instructions on what to buy and what not to buy. 

So I have decided to get back on it and really take some stock in what I'm eating and that I'm exercising regularly.  I logged in to My Fitness Pal today, after a two week hiatus, and entered in my breakfast.  I will start the 30 Day Shred tonight and suffer on my all day field trip to Sea World tomorrow with every step I take around that theme park.  I will spend Sunday washing fruits and veggies and cutting them up and placing them into individual servings that the kids and I can easily grab out of the fridge when we want a snack.  I will go back to packing my lunches for work and cooking dinner instead of grabbing fast food.  Kaitlyn will learn to eat a new veggie each week, just like when she was a at a time until she learns to at least tolerate them and not complain. 

This summer I have absolutely no excuse to not get my family eating right and exercising.  I'm not working this summer and I'll have the kids with me all day.  My plan is to run in the morning before Jerry goes to work.  Get the kids outside as much as we can stand, and then make it a swim day if we can't stand the heat.  Fix healthy lunches and snacks thoughout the day.  Fix a healthy dinner with at least one veggie or add a salad to meals like spaghetti or lasagna.  Continue with the 30 Day Shred to build muscle and tone.  Get to bed at the same time I do during the school year so I'm not tempted to turn my alarm clock off in the morning and skip my run. 

I need to do this for me AND my family.  I will be successful this time and change my life.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

End in Sight

It's almost here.  The end of all state testing, the end of the year, waiting to see what I'll be doing next year, it's all coming to an end and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.  It's been a rough month with everything going full tilt at work and the disasters that happened at home.  I can finally start to breath and relax a little which means I can finally sleep.  I no longer need a whole pot of coffee to get through the day and then fall on the couch too exhausted to even fix my family dinner.  I can now focus on my plans for summer, which is CRAZY busy BTW, and stop freaking out every 5 minutes that the other shoe is going to drop any time now. 
It feels so nice not stressing out over every minor detail of whatever is going on.  I'm getting do all the fun things that I love about working in a high school.  Prom, graduation, spring football, senior activities, field trip that can finally happen because state testing is over, field day, labs that we now have time for because we are done with the curriculum, etc.  Teachers seem to also let loose this time of year as well, except for senior teachers who are trying to hunt down those seniors who seem to think they've already graduated and need that last credit to be able to walk across that stage.  Real learning happens right now when students are able to explore the subjects they are studying and grapple with difficult material with no pressures of an End of Course Exam looming over their heads.  Its a time to celebrate that WE'VE MADE IT THROUGH ANOTHER YEAR!  (Teachers included in that sentiment.)  Now is the time to kiss our seniors goodbye and remember when they were crazy freshmen who couldn't sit still even if you duct taped their butts to a chair...I have never done that, only wished I could.  It's time to say goodbye to colleagues who are retiring and give them a congratulatory pat on the back for being able to last so long in education.  It's also time to say goodbye to new friends that were made this year because people are being transferred or are seeking opportunities elsewhere.  Time to pack up rooms and throw out all the lessons that you and your students worked so hard on throughout the year hoping that you will not find a petrified science project in one of your lab tables.  Time to watch another group of students walk across the stage, shake hands with their principal, and then throw that diploma up in the air and scream "I did it!"
Oh yes, the end is in sight indeed.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Knee Deep In Shit

Literally.  We are so screwed right now and I'm afraid we have a major issue.  Now the master shower is not even draining even though we haven't been using either one of the toilets all day.  (I think Kaitlyn used and flushed the main toilet once, but we have been going to my parent's house if we need to go.)  We are going to call a certain Rooter company to come out tomorrow and hopefully it's not a major issue and they can fix it with relative ease.  I'm hoping that it's just our septic needing to be pumped, but of course it's never the easy fix with us.

To make matters worse, my car is acting up again.  It has something to do with the cooling and it's affecting the a/c as well.  It's happened before and we had to pay through the nose to fix, which just pisses me off.  If it was just the a/c and it wasn't already 90 degrees, I wouldn't worry about it until the kids are out of daycare.  Last time we had to replace the battery, a motor, and a switch and the fluid was almost black.  Hoping it's not a big deal and it's just a switch, but again, it's never the easy or cheap fix for us.

The absolute icing on the cake is that my vacuum is clogging and the junk on our floor is not going in to the tank, it's just getting stuck in the hose.  If we weren't having so many other issues, I'd just go out and buy a Dyson and be done, but right now I cannot justify $300+ on a vacuum when all I need to do is clean out the hoses.

They say bad things come in threes, so hopefully this is it for us.  I don't know if I can take anymore shit.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Stupid Septic System

I am really hating my septic system right now.  We have a clog somewhere in our pipes, but I cannot, for the life of me find it.  It's so gross too because the sewage is backing up into both our showers.  It's worse in the master bath so I'm thinking that it's the master toilet that is clogged, although it flushes just fine and the other bathroom toilet is the one flushing a little slowly right now. 

I got brave last night and decided to snake the main drain to see if I could loosen anything and get things flowing.  I sent the whole thing in and didn't meet with any kind of resistance, although it seemed to clear up the main bath shower.  I've used two bottles of commercial grade draino, ridex, and a homemade remedy that usually works and still nothing.  I'm going to go to the store today and get some of that foam that you shoot down the drain and a new plunger to see if that does anything.

I'm at a lose right now because Jerry is in California so he's not here to fix it and I really don't want to spend a million dollars on a plumber to come out.  I can't exactly give two kids a bath or take a shower myself and that is so frustrating.  It poured last night so I couldn't even go over to my mom's house to use their showers.  Hopefully the weather cooperates and it doesn't rain tonight so if we are still having issues we can just go over there and get cleaned up.

This is the only thing I hate about not living withing the city limits.  I hate septic systems and I'm paranoid that we're going to have to call someone out to come drain the damn thing and have to shell out a lot of money for them to come out and ruin our yard.  I also hate that I can't send stuff down my disposal or the washing machine drain line freaks out.  It's just super frustrating and one more reason that I'm mad we were rushed into buying a house because our landlord was so freaking worried about rent money.  (Just makes me kind of glad that his first tenants skipped out on him after only a few weeks.)