Monday, April 30, 2012

Tyler Transitions

Well this weekend we decided to take the plunge and convert Tyler's crib to a daybed.  He's been climbing out of his crib pretty consistently and it's just too dangerous for him to be doing that with it being on the lowest setting possible.  Plus, I don't want him running around the house in the morning unsupervised because he's just not responsible like Kaitlyn and there's just too much trouble he could get in to.

Jerry took of the front crib rail and placed the bottom stabilizer piece on the crib to convert it to a daybed.  Because Tyler is a mover and a shaker even in slumber, we also bought one of those rails that you can put on any bed to make sure your kids don't fall out of bed.  (Kaitlyn has one on her twin size bed because she was falling out of bed.)  It pretty much takes up his whole crib leaving about 4 inches on either side for him to squeeze through if he wanted to get out of bed.  Since he can easily open the bedroom doors, we also put up a swinging baby gate right outside his bedroom door so he can't wander around the house.  (We have a pool in the backyard and it's my biggest fear that he's going to slip outside one morning and fall in.)  His bedroom is right next to ours, so all  he had to do is call to us from his room and we should be able to hear him.

He's only spent one night in his new bed and so far, so good.  He stayed in bed well after he woke up this morning, so he hasn't quite figured out that he can get out of bed whenever he wants to. 

I'm pretty sad that my baby has outgrown his crib and he's getting older ever day.  It just makes me want another baby that much more.

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