Friday, April 27, 2012

Hell Week

The week from hell is over.  The problem is that I have two more weeks of hell to go.  We are in the middle of end of course (EOC) testing right now and since I do both math and science I'm stuck for three weeks.  It doesn't help that we have to continue on with the school day and we don't have enough people to help proctor and give breaks and cover classes, etc. 

Hopefully the biology test will be a bit better than the geometry test.  I understand that kids have to take more time to figure out word problems and solve them, but it is seriously ridiculous that some of them literally took all day long to take the freaking test!  I don't even want to deal with the Algebra test because mostly lower level kids take Algebra in high school so those kids will be taking forever!.

I'm pretty much stressed out all day and night right now and my anxiety level is through the roof.  Not to mention that we are at that time in the year where my job is in limbo and I have no clue what I will be doing next year.  I may still be coaching, I might have to go back in to the classroom or I could get lucky and get a job at admin doing some teacher on special assignment job. 

It also doesn't help that my teachers are pissy right now because of all they have to deal with and it's evaluation time and they're freaking about, especially the ones who are on annual contracts.  I try to reassure the good ones that they have absolutely nothing to worry about, but I don't think it helps alleviate their anxiety and quite frankly, I don't blame them.  This time of year just sucks all around for anyone who works in the school system and it doesn't get better until that last exam is given and the graduation ceremony is over. 

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