Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Well Tyler is still sick from Easter.  He's not vomiting anymore, thank God, but he still has a slight fever.  He's also not eating much at all and only wants to drink milk.  I'm limiting his milk intake and giving him Pedialyte when he asks for milk.  He doesn't mind.  He's got a boogery, mucusy nose and has also added a cough.  Fantastic! 

Jerry went to Vegas for work on Monday.  He felt awful before he left and sure enough he got worse once he landed in Vegas.  He sounds horrible and has been pumping himself full of Dayquil, NyQuil and Gatorade.  He's coming home late tomorrow night and if the kids are still sick, he's going to stay home with them.

And in true form, Kaitlyn is also sick.  She apparently woke up at 4:30 last night and got some tissues from the playroom and came into my room to sleep.  I didn't even hear her come in so who knows exactly when she woke up and came into my room, I just know it was 4:30 when I noticed she was in bed with me. ( I've been having trouble falling asleep lately because of stress so it was not a great night of sleep.)  When we finally had to get out of bed at 6 AM, she complained that her head hurt.  I checked her temperature out of curiosity and sure enough she had a slight fever.  I gave her some Motrin and loaded her up on juice.

Unfortunately it's testing week so I can't even take any time off right now to keep my babies home to get better.  On top of that today was a very long day for them because I had a meeting from 3:30 to 6:30.  I had to leave the meeting early though because my daycare closes at 6:30 and they charge overage for ever 15 minutes you are late picking up your kids.  (They charge per kid as well.)  I would have just skipped the meeting, but lots of important questions needed to be answered and I couldn't miss it.  I am so stressed and exhausted right now I wouldn't be surprised if I got sick as well.  For the next 4 weeks though, I cannot call in sick because we are smack dab in the middle of testing season and I have to proctor/facilitate testing.  The joys of working in public education where other people's children come before your own!

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