Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This new substitute is driving me nuts!  He knocks on my door at LEAST 3 times a day.  Usually he asks me the same questions over and over, like duh, it's not that hard dude.  I had to explain to him 5 times how to grade the tests and he still didn't get it until I actually graded one for him.  He was like "isn't there an easier way?"  I wanted to scream "how much easier do you want me to make it?"  Seriously?  He just asked me today about scissors and not having enough.  I told him to look for the scissors and if he couldn't find them to let me know ASAP so I could speak with the other sub to see where they are.  Of course he doesn't let me know till the day he needs them and how much help can I really be when you give me NO advance warning.  I give you lesson plans AND make copies for you AND even hand write answer keys a week in advance and you can't even give me a day warning that you'll be needing supplies????  WTF?

The students will be starting genetics and I have little confidence that he will do the pre-planning necessary to be able to help the students out.  I will be going above and beyond and will go in for two days to teach them genetics.  Now, if anyone knows is familiar, it's going to take A LOT more than two days to teach genetics, but I want to give them a good foundation and hopefully the sub can keep them above water the rest of the time.  I don't even want to think about DNA and RNA right now because my head might explode if I do.  (I am hoping beyond hope that we will have a certified person in class by then.)  I'm going to make it a little fun using a Sponge Bob genetics lab that I found online to make it a little less daunting for the students.  They always like the Sponge Bob worksheets I use at the beginning of the year to talk about Experimental Design so I'm sure they'll love the genetics stuff.

Argh, I just want someone in the class that knows what they are doing so these kids can stop suffering.

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