Thursday, February 10, 2011

6 out of 7

So with the sub I decided that genetics is just too hard a subject for the sub, who has no science background, to teach and way too hard for students to figure out on their own.  I felt like they needed a solid foundation and I was going to (hopefully) give it to them.  I decided to go into the classroom for one day and teach.  I have been out of the classroom for almost two years now being a science coach.  I was a bit nervous because I'm not used to going into a classroom cold and I always hated covering other people's classes because the majority of the time I didn't know most of the kids.  I love teaching my own students because I know their quirks and how to get them to work, but that takes A LOT of work and a lot of time building a rapport with the students.  Let me just say that I survived, but could not do it on a daily basis.  I lost my voice after only one day.  I guess my "teacher" voice is out of practice which is odd because I'm not a quiet person.  Of course a "teacher" voice is a little different because sometimes you have to project your voice so that the students in the back of the class can hear you.  (I normally walk around the class when I talk, but I was using an overhead and it was at the front of the class so I couldn't really move.) 
I had to do this 6 different times with a short break after 5th period and a planning period during 6th period.  I am NOT used to teaching 6 classes in the same day.  I'm spoiled and came from a school who was on a block schedule so I taught four classes at the most in any given day.  With a block schedule, you have longer periods; 90 minutes as opposed to 50.  You get a lot more done this way and you can have the students do a variety of things in one class period.  It can get exhausting with so many transitions, but at least you don't feel like you have to rush through everything because you only have 50 minutes.  If there is a disruption, it's not big deal because you have a lot of time.  With 50 minutes, you really can't afford disruptions.  You can't even really afford questions from the kids, which is sad because they were asking some really good questions.  I had them write their questions down and turn them in so I could hopefully answer them later.  Anyway, if I can't find something else at the district office or continue coaching, then I'm going to have to apply to a school who uses a block schedule.  Not too many do, so I'm hoping to probably go back to my old school who still uses it.  Fingers crossed!

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