Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love Stinks

I am not all about only showing love and appreciation one day of the week, but I do love any excuse to buy gifts for the people I love.  I mostly focus on my kids, of course, because I want them to have happy memories and constant reminders of how much I love them.  I don't think I go over board, they got sesame street socks ($1), a few pieces of candy, and a book.  I also got Kaitlyn some Valentines Day granola bars to share with her daycare class; they had their Valentines party the previous Friday and I handmade all the kids Valentines.

I bought my parents some flowers just to say thank you for always being so good to us.  They have done so much for us, especially when it came to buying our house.  I just wanted to say thank you because I know my brother and sister are at that point in their lives where the world revolves around each of them and they might not even get a text from either.  (My brother did send out a mass text to everyone in the family so he's getting there.)

I got Jerry a six pack of Sam Adams 5 hop beer.  He's a connoisseur and loves to try new beers.  He DVR's Brewmasters and is fascinated with the owner of that brewery.  I also planned on cooking a nice dinner complete with a chocolaty dessert.  Two weeks earlier he got me my favorite candy because we were at the mall and saw the kiosk.  (It was See's, which is the best chocolate in the world, and you can't get it in Florida on the regular.)

Want to know what else I got for Valentines Day?  Nada, zip, nothing.  I didn't get a "Happy Valentines Day" not even an "I love you."  He didn't even cheat and get me a card from the kids.  I didn't get a thank you for dinner or dessert.  He didn't notice that there were zero toys laying on the floor, which is a miracle in itself.  I even had to do the dishes after dinner all while Jerry yelled at me to move Tyler out of the way so he could teach Kaitlyn how to dribble a basketball.  (She was NOT having any of it, BTW.) 

To say I feel unappreciated and hurt is a huge understatement.  It really makes me wonder if it's all worth it sometimes.

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