Thursday, January 19, 2012

To Craft or Not to Craft

So I get bit by the crafting bug every now and again where I'll want to craft like mad.  I got a sewing machine for my birthday, per my request, and once I learned how to load the bobbin and top thread, I wanted to sew everything in site.  I have so many ruffled headbands you would not believe.  So that lead me to "pin" projects on headband holders because OMG I have sooooooooo many.  Then I see other projects that I want to do and I go buy the materials for them but I can't get all my supplies at once because I don't want to drop a Benjamin at Joann's and Michael's doesn't have everything I need and the closest Hobby Lobby is over an hour away!  Thus I have about 20 unfinished projects laying around my house and then the craft bug that bit me in the first place goes in to hibernation. 

My craft area looks like a category 5 hurricane ripped through it and the aftermath is a pile of empty canvases, fabric scraps, pins strewn about, scrap paper all over the floor, thread everywhere mess.  I try to keep my area clean and organized but it doesn't help that A) my craft area is in the playroom and therefore Tyler has made it his sole mission to touch every.single.thing. on, in, or around my craft table and move it to where he sees fit and B) I have no proper storage for my craft area and am not willing to spend any money on more storage.  Now, I have a different craft dilemma.  I start "pinning" craft storage ideas which means I need more supplies, which means I have about 10 unfinished craft storage projects lying around my house.  It's truly a vicious, viscous, cycle.

I really need to get my butt in gear and go through the unfinished craft piles I have and buy the rest of the materials to finish those before I try to start new projects.  My only problem with that is Valentine's Day is fast approaching and I have already bought most of the supplies to craft both Tyler's and Kaitlyn's Valentines for their daycare classes.  Yes I am that mom who has to show her undying love for her children through the creations that she stole off of Pinterest and is taking all the credit for created in her own beautiful, crafty mind.  The good news is that I have plenty of time to pick everything up and finish them.  The bad news is that I have to order the sticker paper online and wait for it to arrive, drive to iParty to pick up enough shovels for all the kids in Tyler's class, buy a small paper punch to make the stickers for Kaitlyn's treat bags, buy said treat bags from Joann's, grab a paper punch while I'm there and make some gift tags on my Cricut.  Easy right? 

Oh yeah, did I mention that Kaitlyn is doing ice cream sundaes for her party at daycare?  Oy vey.

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