Monday, January 23, 2012

First Stitches

Neither one of my children are graceful.  Unfortunately, they get their clumsiness from me.  Also inherited from me, the ability to be overly dramatic (Kaitlyn), and hyperactivity/attention deficit (Tyler).  I seriously don't know how I survived my childhood from all the stories my mother and aunts love to tell me over and over again.  I also remember being hurt A LOT when I was little. 

Anyway, Kaitlyn has luckily survived her (almost) four years on this planet relatively unscathed.  (I am sooooooooo knocking on wood right now.)  Of course she has suffered from her fair share of falls, cuts, scrapes and bruises, but nothing a little cute band-aid or ice pack can't fix. 

Tyler, on the other hand, received his first trip to the urgent care doctor and got three stitches on the left temporal side of his noggin.  I am quite certain that this will not be the last time he will get stitches and I fear this will not be his worst injury either.

The back story....Kaitlyn and Tyler were playing with a leftover mylar balloon from their pirate party.  I tied on to a toy watch and let the other float off.  Of course they both wanted to play with the one they could actually get their hands on.  Tyler, never wanting anything until his sister has it, went after that balloon like it was the buried treasured he had been waiting for all his life!  Katilyn thought it was funny that Tyler kept missing the balloon every time he reached for it; of course she was yanking it away at the last second and kept on doing it.  The last time she yanked, he must have lost his balance and took a header into the corner of the wall.  Had he just hit the wall, we would have heard some wailing, but he had to go and hit the corner and split his head open.  I jumped up from the couch, literally within arms reach while Kaitlyn was profusely apologizing and turned him around to give him some TLC.  (I clearly did not know how badly or how hard he hit his head.)  All I saw was blood dripping down his head when I turned him around.  Kaitlyn instantly burst in to tears and I began to cry as well.  I jumped up trying to grab a towel and immediately felt ill.  Thank God Jerry is not bothered by the sight of blood and he quickly scoop Tyler up and took him to the kitchen.  I was trying to help both Tyler and Kaitlyn, who of course was hysterical at this point, and was running around like a chicken with their head cut off.  Jerry was yelling for the alcohol so he could clean Tyler up and assess how deep the cut was, I knew better and grabbed the peroxide.  He had a pretty deep gash on his head so we decided to drop Kaitlyn off with my mom and take Tyler to the urgent care.  Let me tell you that boy is a trooper.  He occasionally complained about his "ouch" on his bonked head, but he never cried once after the initial pain of going head first in to the wall.  He also never once flinched or pulled away when he got his anesthetic shot to numb the area or when he was getting his stitches.  Both nurses were so impressed with him.  I was super proud of him and am very thankful that his injury was much worse.

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