Thursday, March 24, 2011

Terrible Threes?

For the most part, Kaitlyn is an angel.  I'm not saying that because I'm her mom and I think my child can do no wrong, but it is the truth.  I always get compliments about how well behaved she is and about her manners, etc.  For example, the other day when she got in trouble at daycare, which is RARE, she cried and another mommy was surprised that she was 1) in trouble and 2) she cried because "Kaitlyn never cries."  It always amazes me when other mommies think that my child is perfect because she is far from it.

Lately though, she has been testing out her new devil horns.  She is especially testing her daycare teacher, which is something she had NEVER done.  She will challenge me, daddy and even grandma, but NEVER Miss *Susie.  (I was dying for Kaitlyn to turn two so she could be with Miss Susie because she is an amazing teacher and I'm glad that she will stay with her until she turns four.)  Anywho, Miss Susie has had to put Kaitlyn on the wall twice in the last month.  They are not allowed to put them in time out, it is against school policy, so they must sit on the wall if they are outside to "think" about their actions.  Kaitlyn does NOT like to get into trouble at school which is probably why she's rarely in trouble.  She LOVES positive attention so mostly she acts all cute and cuddly because every single teacher will love on her for being good. 

Since she's acting out at school I'm wondering if she's getting bored.  Right now I think her room is maxed out with kids which makes the ratio 13/1.  That one teacher has to deal with the same 13 kids all day long, and for the most part, BY HERSELF!  Can you imagine?  Working with 13 three to four year olds every day without regular adult conversation.  I for one cannot.  Sometimes I don't even want to be left alone with my own two children for more than an hour by myself.  Anyway, Miss Susie is so busy with 13 kids, and she does a stellar job, that sometimes I wonder how much learning is going on.  Right now there is only one little girl that, from what I have seen, is on par with Kaitlyn developmentally.  (I think this little girl is either already 4 or is VERY close to 4.)  Kaitlyn has always been advanced intellectually.  Other parents seriously asked me every day if she was reading 18 months old!  She was already speaking in full sentences by then and knew all her colors, shapes, body parts, etc, etc.  I know that Kaitlyn is learning things because she still amazes me with the things she says and does and I know she gets it from daycare.  For example, she can spell Tyler, she's knows what letter sounds are and she can determine what letters words start with and most other things that are on considered 4 year old things.  I did not teach her those things; mostly because I didn't know that she should have those skills yet.  Right now, though, I just wish that Miss Susie had the time to take her to the next level.  I am not blaming Miss Susie at all, I just wish the daycare had the resources needed for Kaitlyn to really excel.  God knows we spend enough money there to get those extra services. 

I know this is selfish, but I'm hoping that the class will thin out with kids leaving and the older children moving on to pre-K before we take the kids out for the summer.  I'm going to ask Miss Susie about some skills that we should be working on over the summer so Kaitlyn won't be behind when she returns in the fall.  I'll just have to reinforce that Miss Susie is the boss at school and that what she says, goes, no questions or arguments.  Hopefully, like all other things children do, this is just a phase.

*Name has been changed.

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