Monday, March 7, 2011


Because I can't seem to put together a coherent blog post I am going to ramble today about what is going on and coming up.

* Tyler is getting two bottom molars (yeouch!) and his two eye teeth at the same time.  I would have never known it had I not tickled him to death a few days ago and looked into his mouth.  
* Tickling Tyler to death also led me to discover he already has his top two molars!  That kid is a champ at teething.
* Jerry is going to be traveling a lot this month due to his promotion at work.  He has to do all the new manager introductions to HP and then things will slow down and he can send other schmoes delegate travel accordingly.
* I get to go to Tahoe with him and snowboard and spa on the company's dime!  The last time I went with him on a business trip was to San Fran.  We were supposed to go to Napa and make it a late anniversary/VERY late homey moon and enjoy wine country.  That did not happen because I was pregnant with Kaitlyn.
* It's Strawberry Festival time!  I love me some strawberry shortcake and I get to make it everyday now that strawberries are like $1 a flat.  (They really aren't that cheap, but they are ridiculously cheap right now since they are in season and they grow an hour away.  Yeah local farmers!)
* Tyler starts in the toddler room today!  He loves it there and I'm glad he doesn't have to go back to the baby room anymore.  He's been transitioning for a little over a week now and he's been saying new words like crazy.  Helps when he's not being baby talked to.
* Kaitlyn is going through a moody stage lately.  She'll be super happy one minute, then you'll say something to her like the Phillies stink and she'll have a breakdown.  Then I'll tickle her and she'll be all manic again.  I'm not liking it at all and want my happy little girl back.  I think she's getting bored at daycare and may just have to do more learning with her at home.
* We had to do deflea our house because we are getting bit.  We washed and sprayed the dog and applied flea treatment on him and also powdered, vacuumed and sprayed our carpets.  Jerry also did all the laundry, linens included just in case there were some eggs.  I don't think we had as many as he thought, but he was being all paranoid and went crazy.  At least I have a clean house now.
* I'll be going to Tallahassee with the kids and my parents to watch my brother play baseball and visit with my sister.  My mom insisted that we all drive up together because she is anxious about me driving with the kids by myself.  Whatever, at least now I get to have adult conversation.
* I jacked up my knee running and I'm dying because I have been resting it and haven't been able to run in two days.  I'm going to walk tonight because it's still a little sore.  I can't take not being able to exercise.  (I can't believe I just said that.)
* I'm tired...all the time.  My momnesia is really kicking my butt lately.

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