Friday, January 7, 2011

One Is FUN!

Holy hell!  Tyler is ONE today!  Where the hell did my year go with my baby boy?  I remember this exact time last year when I woke up at 5:00 AM to go to the hospital for my induction so Jerry could go to California without worrying that he would miss the birth of his first, and only, son.  I have already blogged about his birth story here, so I won't go into any detail about that day and why I always yell at advise pregnant women to not get induced and just be patient.  I should have also told Jerry to cancel his trip and to just stay home, but that my dears is another issue.

Any who, Tyler is freaking ONE!  I just can't believe it.  My favorite thing to do is to look back at his younger pictures to see how much he has changed.  They never change as much as they do that first year they are learning to navigate in their world.  The thing I miss the most about him being little is being able to cuddle him.  He HATES to be cuddled because he can't really move and he can't see what is going on.  Don't get me wrong, he loves to be held, he just hates to be cuddled.  It's just hard to hold a very heavy boy who is wriggling this way and that trying to smack you in the face.  The thing I love most about him right now is that he looks like a little boy.  Kaitlyn is also taken a new interest in him because he can play with her and not just take her toys away or knock over her towers she just built.  (Of course he still does it, but he does it now to get her attention.) 

I now officially have a toddler!  He has been standing on his own for awhile and has also been able to take one step from the coffee table to the couch, but now he is actually brave enough to take steps in the middle of the room and stand up on his own without using something for support.  He doesn't lunge and fall now, he takes his time and takes actual steps across the room.  He still giggles if you ask him to walk to you which makes him more likely to fall over.  He can also pretty much keep his balance when he is faltering a little and mostly stays on his feet.  Of course if he is determined to catch me as I'm running down the hallway to jump in the shower get to something fast, he will crawl because he is as fast as lightening at crawling.

He's on whole milk and has been for awhile.  They won't give him formula or bottles once he's in the toddler room so I needed him to get used to drinking milk.  My pediatrician doesn't make a big deal about transitioning to milk so I figured it would be ok.  It also takes him a long time to adjust to new stuff, especially if it's going to be cold.  I still have to warm it up a bit so he's not shocked that it's ice cold and spit the first gulp all over his front.  Now I just have to get him used to drinking it all gone from his sippy and not needing the bottle during the day because they will NOT give him a bottle in the toddler room.  (I learned that the hard way with Kaitlyn.  Thank GOD she didn't give a shit about the bottle.) 

He is picking up a few new words now, but has dropped some others.  He doesn't really say mamma all that much anymore which bums me out.  The cutest thing he does is when he sees Peanut.  He'll say dog, nut, stop.  Which I'm assuming means "hey dog, Peanut, stop!"  We tell Peanut to stop all the time so I'm not surprised that he picked that up.  He's also back to signing milk and will sign it when he sees his bottle.  He also signs all done when he wakes up in the morning or from a nap and say "ah don".  Daddy taught him that one.  He's do it when he's done with his food or there is no more to give to the dog.

Right now he does the cutest little thing I call the happy clap.  He does it when I walk into a room, or if he sees daddy come home from work or when he's eating...really whenever he's happy.  It's super cute and I love his happy clap. 

Even though he's my second child, I am still amazed at all the milestones they hit and the new things they learn to say and do.  I am also amazed that my time with him seems to have gone by so much faster than it did with Kaitlyn.  I guess I'll have to learn how to slow down time and really appreciate my time with my children.

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