Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Busy Little Bee

I've been super busy at work and at home.  Of course it's always like this around this time of year.  It starts with Halloween, then a birthday for two of my young cousins, then my birthday, an aunt's birthday and then an uncle followed by Thanksgiving, 2 more cousins' birthdays, Christmas, my papa's birthday, new years and then my dad's birthday, Tyler's birthday and the Kaitlyn's birthday.  That's a lot going on in a short amount of time.  Throw in state testing, the end of 1st semester and exams at work and I'm exhausted and ready for a nice long vacation.  I do get a two week winter break at the end of December beginning of January (depends on when we go back to school in August) but I usually spend that time getting ready for Christmas and the many places we will travel on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. 

This year is especially busy for me because my momnesia has been kicking my ass lately.  Instead of doing everything all at once, I have to constantly go to the store because I forgot one little thing and then remember that it really wasn't one thing, it was two and on and on and on.  Not to mention there are three new babies in the family this year and of course I would love to get them something, but since I'd have to ship it, it's really not worth it.  Not to mention these people never remember my children around the holidays so why should I remember theirs?  I know that's kind of a harsh way to look at things, but why would I spend money on other peoples children without their recognition of mine?  I could just spend that money on my children.  Plus, I'm still waiting on a thank-you card for the gifts I gave my cousin, not to mention the 5 bags of baby stuff I gave her for her baby, when her daughter was born.  I'm all about reciprocity.  There are way too many people in my family to buy for around the holidays, so I'll just stick to those who are near and remember me and mine.

Anyway, I'm going to have to do double duty because for whatever reason, my husband keeps forgetting to buy presents for his side of the family.  If I leave it up to him, then it's never going to get done.  I'll ask him for suggestions, but I'm going to end up doing all the ordering and shipping. 

Off to Amazon I go!

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