Monday, May 21, 2012

Getting Back to Healthy

That's where I am today.  After roughly three weeks of not eating right and no exercise, I'm turning over a new leaf...again.  I really need to change my bad habits, not only for myself, but for my kids.  I don't worry about Tyler because that boy will choose a veggie over sweats any day of the week and twice on Sunday.  He's always on the go and never sits still for one minute of the day, not even in his sleep.  Kaitlyn, on the other hand, will eat junk food until she bursts at the seems and is perfectly content watching Disney Princess movies all day long.  I don't want her to struggle with her weight as she gets older and I don't want her to have food issues either.  Those are problems I just don't want her to have.  I want her to learn how to nourish her body and not to ask for seconds when her stomach and brain haven't even processed her first helping.  I want to fill her plate with veggies, not just a few pieces to try and then exclaim 'YUCK' while gagging and trying to swallow.  Before I can ask those things of her, I need to show her how it's done through me.

I'm not a junk food junkie by any means.  I'm probably the only person in the world who loves Brussels sprouts and lima beans.  It's just easier when you are a busy mother who works outside the home to grab for the pre-packaged items to give your kids and yourself instead of washing and cutting up fruits and veggies.  I know there are pre-packaged fruit and veggie items out there, but they cost a fortune and I just cannot justify spending money on those items especially since they have added preservatives in them as well.  I should make better decisions about what goes in to mine and my children's mouths, but I'm just lazy like that.  It also doesn't help that the husband is a junk food junkie and is typically the one who does the grocery shopping even though I give him specific instructions on what to buy and what not to buy. 

So I have decided to get back on it and really take some stock in what I'm eating and that I'm exercising regularly.  I logged in to My Fitness Pal today, after a two week hiatus, and entered in my breakfast.  I will start the 30 Day Shred tonight and suffer on my all day field trip to Sea World tomorrow with every step I take around that theme park.  I will spend Sunday washing fruits and veggies and cutting them up and placing them into individual servings that the kids and I can easily grab out of the fridge when we want a snack.  I will go back to packing my lunches for work and cooking dinner instead of grabbing fast food.  Kaitlyn will learn to eat a new veggie each week, just like when she was a at a time until she learns to at least tolerate them and not complain. 

This summer I have absolutely no excuse to not get my family eating right and exercising.  I'm not working this summer and I'll have the kids with me all day.  My plan is to run in the morning before Jerry goes to work.  Get the kids outside as much as we can stand, and then make it a swim day if we can't stand the heat.  Fix healthy lunches and snacks thoughout the day.  Fix a healthy dinner with at least one veggie or add a salad to meals like spaghetti or lasagna.  Continue with the 30 Day Shred to build muscle and tone.  Get to bed at the same time I do during the school year so I'm not tempted to turn my alarm clock off in the morning and skip my run. 

I need to do this for me AND my family.  I will be successful this time and change my life.

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