Friday, September 9, 2011

Mouse Tales

Last night, after I came home from my run, Kaitlyn informed me during dinner that she saw a mouse in the living room.  I looked at my husband and he shook his head and rolled his eyes.  She said she saw his tail under the big chair.  Jerry said he lifted the recliner and there was nothing there.  I though it was strange because Kaitlyn usually doesn't just make stuff up and I questioned Jerry, but he just blew it off.  I questioned her again about the mouse and she said she saw his tail but not his face.  I was worried, but only mildly so because sometimes she gets confused with maybe she was remembering the time we trapped one in the garage and showed it to her before we let it go in the field.

I always put Tyler to bed first and then I came out to get Kaitlyn.  They were talking to Jerry's mom on speaker phone and she told grandma about the mouse tail.  She said she saw a tail under the big chair when she was cleaning up the room.  Again, Jerry just blew her off and said his good nights.  I talked to her again about the mouse tail and she told me once again that she saw his tail and not his face.

After I came out of Kaitlyn's room, I went into the playroom to get on my touchpad because Jerry was in the living room still on the phone with his mom.  I heard him get aggravated with Peanut because he kept trying to get at something under the couch.  Probably a piece of food the kids dropped under there.  He kept shooing him away and then decided to pull out the couch to see what he was trying to get at.  He quickly hung up the phone with his mom and ran to the garage to get the poison and put it behind the couch because he found a mouse!  I was freaking out.  I kept saying "are you sure?"  He then went and got the humane trap so we could get it outside.  The damn thing would not go into that trap and kept trying to come out from under the couch or from under the chair.  Jerry kept scaring it away by banging his shoe trying to redirect him to the trap.  He wanted to go out and get some glue traps, but I told him I was too scared to be left alone with the thing.  I went instead and got a few glue traps and brought them home.  The stupid mouse kept bypassing all the traps so Jerry kept having to scare him back under the couch.  He finally went into the humane trap, but wasn't quite in far enough to set the thing off.  Jerry asked for a broom so I brought him one.  He tried to set the trap off, but it didn't go and the mouse ran out of the trap, but it got caught on one of the glue traps.  I felt bad at first because I really wanted to set the thing free.  Then I remembered two little words that scare the bejesus out of me: HANTA VIRUS. 

After Jerry got the trap, and the mouse, out of the house, I kept thinking about how it looked.  It was big, bigger than I though mice got, so I did what any normal person who had a question would do...I googled it.  Turns out, it wasn't a mouse after all, it was a RAT!

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