Monday, November 29, 2010

Where does the time go?

Time is flying by me at warp speed these days and it does not make me happy.  My Thanksgiving break was a whirlwind of getting ready for Thursday dinner, I cooked, and taking care of the kids since they were not in daycare.  Hello insane amount of money we saved, goodbye to it all on dinner.  (I don't really think I spent close to $400 on dinner, but it felt like it.)  I really didn't get to spend too much time with my family on Thanksgiving because I was so busy with cooking.  Jerry was running around trying to clean up the miscellaneous things that needed to be put away and the kids were running around like maniacs.  I had to finally walk them down to my mom's house so they could have a nap and I could concentrate on cooking.  My mom did come down after giving the kids a bath and a nap to help out and I am so thankful for that because I was a little behind on some sides thanks to Jerry not prepping his stuff before assembly.  After dinner I fell asleep on the floor while everyone watched football so there wasn't a whole lot of conversation and socializing going on with me.  (It did not help that my siblings got their new phones the night before and were literally glued to them and barely spoke two words all night.)

Dinner was fantastic if I do say so myself.  The turkey came out amazing, although I totally smothered it with my homemade cranberry sauce.  I didn't really get any leftovers because my mom packed them for my brother and sister to take back to school with them.  My mom took the bones so she could make some dumplings, and I am so ready for them even though the weather is not cooperating.  (It's 85 degrees here.)

All in all it was a great and much needed break!

Only 3 weeks until winter break!  Let the countdown begin!

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