Tuesday, May 31, 2011

School's Out for Summer!

Not yet though.  I still have 7 more days of work left and then summer break officially starts!  However today is my last day at my current school.  The coaching positions have been cut because of the looming budget cuts the district has to make so that means my school who earned a "B" by the state of Florida is loosing their instructional coaches.  Not that I mind, I don't want to be here any longer and just want to move on with my career.

That being said, I am officially out of a job until June 21st when the district is having their involuntary transfer fair.  A lot of coaches are loosing their current position and have to reapply with schools that have openings.  Basically most of us are going to be placed back in the classroom.  I did apply for a grant specialist position that is funded through RTTT and is guaranteed for three years.  I am super excited for this opportunity because I have always wanted to write classroom grants and just have never had time to research or write any.  The job closes on June 3 and they should start interviewing soon after.  I'm really hoping that I get this because I think it's just the thing that my career needs right now.  I do love teaching but there are so many hoops to jump through right now because of current legislation that was passed that I do not want to deal with right now.  (That legislation will change in the next few years when the train wreck that are EOC's lower the graduation rate.) 

I also need some flexibility in my job that I really don't have with classroom teaching.  Jerry hates taking off work to take care of the kids, but it's easier for him to do it.  I have to get a sub and make plans for my students so that they're not bouncing off the walls and then there is a ton of paperwork for me to sort and grade and it's just a big pain in the butt.  I also have to take days off work if he travels because school starts at 7AM and there is no way I can get the kids to daycare and make it to school on time.  The new position will allow for me to flex my time and be able to take the kids where they need to go and still get to work.

I'm really hoping for the best and hope I get this job.

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