Monday, October 18, 2010

The Move

The move went great!  I'm pretty impressed because we closed on Thursday and had to be out of our rental by that night.  We were supposed to close on Tuesday which would have allowed Jerry to move boxes and non essentials to our house all day Wednesday giving us a little bit of a jump.  I took Thursday off, dropped Jerry off to get the moving truck and took the kids to daycare.  By the time I got back to the rental, Jerry had the upper part of the moving truck full and the washer and dryer on.  It took us most of the morning to get the rest of the furniture on and we basically threw whatever else we could is the nooks and cranny's.  We were mostly done by the time we had to do the walk through, we just left the dining table and chairs off the truck so we had somewhere to sign the closing docs.  It took us an hour to sign all the closing docs which left us at 3 PM to get the truck unloaded into the house.  (I was picking up the kids at 5:15 leaving Jerry to do the majority of the work while I took care of them.)  We did well and got most everything off the truck when I had to leave to get the kids.  My mom and dad came over just in time to get the couch off the truck.  My mom helped watch the kids and unpack a few boxes while my dad and Jerry went to get the rest of the living room furniture and some miscellaneous items from the rental.  They were still able to fill the truck up a second time.  Mean while I had to go pick up Jerry's mom from the airport and by the time I got back I had to put the kids to bed.  While I was doing that, Jerry and his mom went to the rental to get the rest of our belongings and do some spot cleaning.  It took about 5 more trips in Jerry's car to get everything left at the rental to the house and we were done with everything at around 2 AM.  I still had to work the next day and get the kids to daycare so that Jerry could get the truck back to avoid the second day charge. 

We are mostly settled in and only have a few boxes to unpack.  Once we get the washer and dryer hooked up, we will be set as there are piles of laundry laying everywhere in our room right now.  (I had to do some essential laundry for us and the kids laundry at my parents house so we wouldn't have to run around naked for a few days.)  The house is coming together and now we can start to focus on making it a home. 

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