Friday, October 8, 2010

9 is Fine!

(One day late because we spent all day yesterday moving and had no internet.)

Good lord!  My baby is 9 months old.  (Little Miss Lucy will be 2 months!)  So surreal how time flies so fast.  Tyler's 9 month appointment will be next week, so I don't have any of his stats for this post.  I don't even know if his 9 month update will be posted tomorrow since we will be in the middle of a move, but I wanted to have it ready in case I can hit the publish post button sometime tomorrow.

He crawls on his hands and knees now.  It was the army style crawl for the longest time and I thought he never would get up on those knees and he would go straight to walking.  He's still very slow and will only do it for a few minutes.  If he sees something across the room that he really has to have in his mouth, like yesterday, then he will fore go the hands and knees and army it up.  He's so quick dragging his fat little body across the floor. 

He's pulling up on everything now and he's starting to cruise.  The other morning when I went in at 5 am to give his his paci and get him to go back to sleep, he was standing in his crib, eyes shut, but standing there whimpering.  It was the saddest little thing.  He's really good at letting himself back down once he has pulled himself up too.  I was surprised at this because it took awhile for Kaitlyn mastering the sitting down from a standing position.  He's a pro though and will let himself down slowly without bonking the nog nog.

I started to make homemade baby food for him and he absolutely adores it.  He tried avocados at daycare the other day and they said he made the worst face at first, but then he ate them all gone a little bit later.  (I forgot that they were a new food when I packed them I was just so excited to get him to try them.)  I don't think that I'll be making much more purees as he can handle finger foods and he can have things like egg yolks, cheese and beans.  I might just have to mash things up really well for him because they just let him get too messy feeding himself at daycare and I can't constantly buy him new clothes because of all the stains.  (I strip him down if I'm going to let him make a mess.)  Maybe when he can have deli meats I'll start sending little baby bentos to daycare for him to eat.

He's got 5 teeth right now with one more about to break through.  He's having such a hard time with teething.  He's SUPER drooly these days and he soaks through bibs and shirts.  He usually runs a fever for a few days when he's getting them so he is pretty miserable.  I give him crushed up ice cubes that keeps him happy for quite a long time.  He will only nom on a teether for like 2 minutes then he's off.  I might have to get one of those Mam ones that clip to the paci clip so at least it's attached to him.  I just don't like it dragging on the floor when he crawls.

He still only babbles da da and ba ba.  He will every once in awhile say ma, but it's really rare, usually only when he's upset.  I remember it was such a big deal when Kaitlyn stopped saying ma ma and babbled da da all the time.  I got really upset.  With Tyler it's a lot different.  Sure I still try to get him to say it, but I know that just because he doesn't he doesn't love me.  I know he loves me because he shows it by always wanting to be with me or the fact that I'm the only one who can get him to lay still or go back to sleep in the wee hours of the night.

He's gained an interest in the dog that's never really been there eve though Peanut is always hanging around him.  Tyler will watch Peanut intently when he comes into the room and when Peanut lays next to him, he will pat him.  He doesn't pull on him...yet.  He just kinda pats his back and poke him in the face and just watch him.  He really gets interested when I interact with Peanut and he will stare at us watching our every move.  I know he's learning a lot and I want to make sure that I am modeling how to handle a dog properly so he doesn't terrorize him like Kaitlyn does.  I'm sure that when he gets a little older he will start pulling on his tail and chase him around and body slam him to the ground.  He does watch Kaitlyn very carefully so he's going to pick up on how she interacts with Peanut and mimic her.  I can say I tried though.

He still has a very happy disposition and I still get comments from his daycare teachers that he is always smiling and happy and he's such a good baby.  I don't know how I got so lucky with two great babies.  I could have sworn my mom cursed me to have the demon spawn of Satan because I gave her such hell as a baby.  Maybe my payback will come in the form of the teenage years.  Someone shoot me now.

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