Monday, September 6, 2010

8 is Great!

Oh bud bud!  You are 8 months old now.  I thought time went by quickly when we only had Kaitlyn, now I feel like time is stepping it up a notch.  I really want it to slow down a little bit because before I know it you will be off to college leaving me to clean your messy room while sobbing uncontrollably.  Not that I know anyone who did that, ahem Sean.

You are a man on a mission.  You are army crawling all over the place like nobodies business.  You can now pull yourself on the step from the playroom and crawl up into the living room.  You can also pull yourself up on the step to the kitchen and crawl in there too.  (You caught me off guard the other day when you did that BTW.) 

You hate being still, therefore the jumperoo is the devil and you do the splits when I try to put you in it.  You will only sit in your high chair if you are eating or drinking.  You want to be on the move 24/7 which means a lot of flopping, flipping and turning in your crib. 

You can now put yourself in a sitting position.  Sometimes you needs help and use a toy to help push yourself up, but you get it on your own most of the time. 

You are waving hi and bye now which is SUPER cute.  I love it.  You also mimic our pitch of saying hello and it sounds like you are also saying hello when you wave.  You are amazed that your hands can perform this function and so you wave often. 

You can also clap.  You say ayayay when you clap.  Super cute as well.  I love to clap and see you mimic me so we do this a lot too.

You scream and stick out your tongue when I pick you up from daycare you are so excited to see me.  You crawl so fast and knock down all the other babies and crawl over them to get to me.  As soon as I pick you up you wave bye bye to everyone in the room and then plant a wet, sloppy kiss on me.  (It's really more like you bite my chin but I will call it a kiss.)  This truly makes my day and all stress leaves me when I see how excited you get when I walk in the room. 

You are an eating machine!  You feed yourself cheerios and puffs.  I put them on your high chair tray and then you slap your little hand on top of one and then put it in your mouth.  Sometimes when you are patient, you will use your little pincer grasp to pick them up.  You also love teething biscuits, Earth's Best is your favorite brand.  You can hold your own bottle which is convenient when I need to do the dishes and you are screaming at me telling me you want milk.  You can also drink from a sippy cup and love to chug down some water. 

You are not signing yet, but you understand when I sign to you.  When I sign eat or milk, you get really excited and kick your feet.  I'm sure you'll start signing soon and boy will that open up a whole new world.

You are learning so much and I am still amazed at how much you are like a sponge soaking up knowledge.  You are my sunshine.  You make me happy.  I love you with all my heart.

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