Saturday, August 7, 2010

Seven is Heaven

My Dearest Tyler,

You are seven months old today.  I know I say this a lot, but I truly cannot believe how fast time is going.  In the blink of an eye you will be off to college and I will be a hot mess.  But enough of that right now because I may just have a mental breakdown. 

You are still the happiest little guy in the whole world.  You are starting to crack yourself up.  Just the other day in the car you blew a raspberry and then you giggled at yourself.  I really hope that you keep on smiling through your life.  It will take you a great many places.

You are eating like a fiend!  You still eat 6 ounces about every 2 1/2 hours.  You are also eating solids about three or four times a day, it just depends on your nap times.  I think when you go back to daycare, you will definitely eat solids about four times a day with less bottles as they don't feed you unless you "ask" for it.

You are starting to army crawl although you still prefer to roll to whatever it is you want.  If you are too far from what you want, you roll as close to it as possible, then you will army crawl the rest of the way.  You are starting to pull your legs under your body so all you have left to figure out now is coordination between your legs and arms. 

I am teaching you sign language, just like I taught your sister.  It seems to calm you down when you are having a fit because I am not getting your food to you fast enough.  You know what the signs for milk and eat mean, but you haven't signed them yet.  It will be soon though, I'm sure of it.

You still only babble da da, but you are starting to add some bahs and gahs.  You are still very vocal nevertheless.  You are most vocal when you are watching your sister run around like a maniac.

You have two little bottom teeth!  So stinking cute.  It makes your pictures so much more adorable even though I can't get a great picture of them yet.  Keep smiling wide for your pictures and I will get them on film.

I am so looking forward to watching you grow into a little man.  I just want you to slow down a bit so I can really enjoy my time with you and your sister.

Love you dearly,

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