Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So Far

Well I am three weeks in to this new school year in my new position and so far I'm still on the fence about this job.  Middle school is a whole different galaxy than high school.  They speak differently, have different schedules, routines, rules, etc.  It took me one whole week to figure out the bell schedule at one of my schools.  It's so confusing!  (It doesn't help that none of my schools have the same bell schedule.  Two are on block and one does a straight 7 day, however the two block schedules are totally different.) 

The thing I'm struggling most with is the schedule.  I'm so used to high school starting at 7:05 and being at school by 6, 6:30 at the absolute latest.  We ended the school day at 1:50 and I was done with school by 2:20.  First period in middle school doesn't even start until 9:30!  Classes don't end until 4:15 and teachers can leave by 4:20.  (I usually get to school by 8:30 and work until long as I get my 7.5 hours in I'm ok; benefits of a flex schedule.)  It usually takes me anywhere from 15-30 minutes to get to daycare, depending on what school I'm at for the week.  The middle school schedule severely cuts in to my time with Kaitlyn and Tyler.  They are so used to eating a snack as soon as we get home because that's what we have been doing ever since I had to go back to work after Kaitlyn's birth.  Now, it's not a good idea for them to have a snack when we get home because I need to get dinner started right away.  I know that they are used to eating at 5:00 and we don't get home until a little after so I feel bad for them, but I don't want to fill them up with snacks because they won't eat their dinner.  I also don't get to decompress with them and talk about their day and play little games with them before having to get dinner started so they are constantly under my feet in the kitchen and I'm  frustrated a lot and have to keep sending them out.  It's totally worse than having the dog underneath my feet when I cook! 

I also haven't been able to exercise in the evening because I'm too busy cleaning up after dinner and getting the kids ready for bed.  I'm feeling really flabby lately and really tired because I'm not getting my exercise in.  I tried working out in the morning, but I just don't have the energy right when I get up to get through any type of cardio or strength training.  I feel way too bloated if I try to drink a protein shake before exercising in the morning.  I've been trying to get some yoga in as soon as I wake up, but I'm just so exhausted to even try to get out of bed in the mornings.  I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and force my way out of bed and just deal.  The yoga DVD I have is pretty good and it's only 20 minutes.  It's a morning routine so it's not too intense which may just be the perfect thing for me as a beginning yogi. 

I'll keep trucking on this year because I'm not going to leave my three schools hanging, but this is definitely the first AND last year I will do middle school.  It may be the last year I have to work anyway :)

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