Monday, March 14, 2011


So this sucks really bad and probably only happens to me.  I mentioned earlier that I started C25K in my effort to get healthy.  I was committed to sticking with the program and I'm proud to say that I did.  I was really starting to enjoy running and looked forward to my runs at night.  I ran after dinner clean up so I would have something in my belly and not wear out too quickly during my run.  It really was the perfect time to run because I would leave the kids with Jerry and he would have quality play time with them and I would have quality alone time.  All was good in my world until I hurt my knee.  I don't know what I did to it, probably just a sprain, but it KILLS!  I seriously want to chop off my leg at the knee just so I can stop hurting.  I'm trying to rest it as much as I can, but really how well does that work when you work full-time, have two young children and have to keep up with house chores?  I have to take Tylenol for the pain just so I can get up and walk around.  I have been putting heat and ice on it and have been using icy hot at night and at work.  It's been a little over a week and it still hurts like a bitch. 

I'm really disappointed because I really did enjoy running.  I'm probably not going to continue running even when I do heal because I don't want to reinjure my knee.  I will start biking instead since it's a low impact sport.  I want to get a trailer for my bike to put the kids in so I can take them on rides.  I think they would enjoy that.  I will try running again, when I am a little less heavy because I truly believe that it's the best way for me to stay healthy.  Running is not a hassle and that's what I need to stick with exercising.

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