Friday, March 18, 2011


Wednesday was the first time I have ever experienced a migraine and let me just say that I hope it's the LAST time too!  That sucker knocked me on my ass...literally.  It came with no warning at all and took me out for a day and a half.  I'm still not 100% and I have been taking frequent breaks today at work.

It started with a slight headache when I left work.  I thought I was just hungry since I only ate a banana and some biscuits all day.  I know, I know, very bad, but I was so busy with getting the subs last two weeks of lesson plans done I didn't stop to eat.  I figured I'd just grab a smoothie on the way home after I got the kids.  (I've been dying to sneak Kaitlyn some ice cream on the way home but I know Tyler will scream for some and he's SO not ready to eat ice cream by himself, let alone in the car.)  I stopped at this dollar store to see if they had any glass candle holders so I can make some hurricanes to display.  (Damn all you craft blogs out there that have me thinking I'm Martha freaking Stewart!)  I went down the candle aisle and the smell hit me like a ton of bricks.  I have been super sensitive to smells lately and that one just sent me over the edge.  I quickly left that aisle and continued searching for junk treasures.  I noticed that I was seeing spots and I really thought that I was going to black out.  On my way out of the store the spots turned to these translucent star burst things.  I could see through them, but they did create some weird blind spots if I turned my head too quickly.  It was affecting both eyes and I was contemplating calling Jerry to pick up the kids.  I decided that I was ok and headed to daycare.  That's when the headache started.  It was a dull pain, not overpowering at all. 

As soon as I walked into the daycare, the star bursts turned to spots.  I was having a hard time focusing, and quite frankly, seeing.  When I walked into Kaitlyn's room, I always pick her up first, I must have had a strange look on my face because her teacher asked me if I was ok.  I said I was, just seeing some spots and I quickly got Kaitlyn, I never just grab her an go, and went to Tyler's room.  He was eating snack, so I knew it was not going to be a grab and go situation.  I leaned on the changing table for support because I was starting to feel wosey at this point.  His teacher offered me a chair; she thought my knee was bothering me.  I declined because I didn't think I would make it back up.  Luckily Tyler ate his snack quickly and he didn't throw a fit when we left.

As we were driving home, I was desperately fighting back the nausea.  I was looking in my car for something to vomit in just in case.  I made it home and gagged as soon as I opened my car door.  I had to drag Tyler in the house kicking and screaming because he wanted to walk in on his own and I NEEDED to carry him as fast as I could.  I forced myself to get the kids some drinks and a snack and gobbled a breakfast bar and water for myself.  I seriously thought I was hungry or dehydrated.  WRONG.  As soon as I finished my water I had to run to the bathroom and vomit, and vomit, and vomit.  I couldn't stop.  I eventually had to call Jerry to come home so he could watch the kids.  I could not pull myself away from the toilet. 

He came home and asked me if I needed to go to the ER...that's how bad I looked.  I said no, just take care of the kids.  Luckily my mom wanted to take the kids to the park so Jerry got a reprieve because he really needed to get some work done.  I was done for the rest of the night.

I took the day off work Thursday because I just could not pull myself out of bed.  I ached all over from throwing up so much.  I also had the chills even though I was freakishly hot.  Jerry asked if I wanted the kids at home and I was all HELL NO.  He took them to daycare and I slept until 10.  The nausea stayed around a little longer and technology was my worst enemy.  I couldn't even tweet because looking at the screen made me want to vomit.  I did manage to keep down toast and some chicken noodle soup so that was a big win.

I still feel like ass today, but am grateful that the marathon vom-a-thon is over.  I swear that I will sell my soul to never have a migraine again.

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