Thursday, March 24, 2011

Terrible Threes?

For the most part, Kaitlyn is an angel.  I'm not saying that because I'm her mom and I think my child can do no wrong, but it is the truth.  I always get compliments about how well behaved she is and about her manners, etc.  For example, the other day when she got in trouble at daycare, which is RARE, she cried and another mommy was surprised that she was 1) in trouble and 2) she cried because "Kaitlyn never cries."  It always amazes me when other mommies think that my child is perfect because she is far from it.

Lately though, she has been testing out her new devil horns.  She is especially testing her daycare teacher, which is something she had NEVER done.  She will challenge me, daddy and even grandma, but NEVER Miss *Susie.  (I was dying for Kaitlyn to turn two so she could be with Miss Susie because she is an amazing teacher and I'm glad that she will stay with her until she turns four.)  Anywho, Miss Susie has had to put Kaitlyn on the wall twice in the last month.  They are not allowed to put them in time out, it is against school policy, so they must sit on the wall if they are outside to "think" about their actions.  Kaitlyn does NOT like to get into trouble at school which is probably why she's rarely in trouble.  She LOVES positive attention so mostly she acts all cute and cuddly because every single teacher will love on her for being good. 

Since she's acting out at school I'm wondering if she's getting bored.  Right now I think her room is maxed out with kids which makes the ratio 13/1.  That one teacher has to deal with the same 13 kids all day long, and for the most part, BY HERSELF!  Can you imagine?  Working with 13 three to four year olds every day without regular adult conversation.  I for one cannot.  Sometimes I don't even want to be left alone with my own two children for more than an hour by myself.  Anyway, Miss Susie is so busy with 13 kids, and she does a stellar job, that sometimes I wonder how much learning is going on.  Right now there is only one little girl that, from what I have seen, is on par with Kaitlyn developmentally.  (I think this little girl is either already 4 or is VERY close to 4.)  Kaitlyn has always been advanced intellectually.  Other parents seriously asked me every day if she was reading 18 months old!  She was already speaking in full sentences by then and knew all her colors, shapes, body parts, etc, etc.  I know that Kaitlyn is learning things because she still amazes me with the things she says and does and I know she gets it from daycare.  For example, she can spell Tyler, she's knows what letter sounds are and she can determine what letters words start with and most other things that are on considered 4 year old things.  I did not teach her those things; mostly because I didn't know that she should have those skills yet.  Right now, though, I just wish that Miss Susie had the time to take her to the next level.  I am not blaming Miss Susie at all, I just wish the daycare had the resources needed for Kaitlyn to really excel.  God knows we spend enough money there to get those extra services. 

I know this is selfish, but I'm hoping that the class will thin out with kids leaving and the older children moving on to pre-K before we take the kids out for the summer.  I'm going to ask Miss Susie about some skills that we should be working on over the summer so Kaitlyn won't be behind when she returns in the fall.  I'll just have to reinforce that Miss Susie is the boss at school and that what she says, goes, no questions or arguments.  Hopefully, like all other things children do, this is just a phase.

*Name has been changed.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Wednesday was the first time I have ever experienced a migraine and let me just say that I hope it's the LAST time too!  That sucker knocked me on my ass...literally.  It came with no warning at all and took me out for a day and a half.  I'm still not 100% and I have been taking frequent breaks today at work.

It started with a slight headache when I left work.  I thought I was just hungry since I only ate a banana and some biscuits all day.  I know, I know, very bad, but I was so busy with getting the subs last two weeks of lesson plans done I didn't stop to eat.  I figured I'd just grab a smoothie on the way home after I got the kids.  (I've been dying to sneak Kaitlyn some ice cream on the way home but I know Tyler will scream for some and he's SO not ready to eat ice cream by himself, let alone in the car.)  I stopped at this dollar store to see if they had any glass candle holders so I can make some hurricanes to display.  (Damn all you craft blogs out there that have me thinking I'm Martha freaking Stewart!)  I went down the candle aisle and the smell hit me like a ton of bricks.  I have been super sensitive to smells lately and that one just sent me over the edge.  I quickly left that aisle and continued searching for junk treasures.  I noticed that I was seeing spots and I really thought that I was going to black out.  On my way out of the store the spots turned to these translucent star burst things.  I could see through them, but they did create some weird blind spots if I turned my head too quickly.  It was affecting both eyes and I was contemplating calling Jerry to pick up the kids.  I decided that I was ok and headed to daycare.  That's when the headache started.  It was a dull pain, not overpowering at all. 

As soon as I walked into the daycare, the star bursts turned to spots.  I was having a hard time focusing, and quite frankly, seeing.  When I walked into Kaitlyn's room, I always pick her up first, I must have had a strange look on my face because her teacher asked me if I was ok.  I said I was, just seeing some spots and I quickly got Kaitlyn, I never just grab her an go, and went to Tyler's room.  He was eating snack, so I knew it was not going to be a grab and go situation.  I leaned on the changing table for support because I was starting to feel wosey at this point.  His teacher offered me a chair; she thought my knee was bothering me.  I declined because I didn't think I would make it back up.  Luckily Tyler ate his snack quickly and he didn't throw a fit when we left.

As we were driving home, I was desperately fighting back the nausea.  I was looking in my car for something to vomit in just in case.  I made it home and gagged as soon as I opened my car door.  I had to drag Tyler in the house kicking and screaming because he wanted to walk in on his own and I NEEDED to carry him as fast as I could.  I forced myself to get the kids some drinks and a snack and gobbled a breakfast bar and water for myself.  I seriously thought I was hungry or dehydrated.  WRONG.  As soon as I finished my water I had to run to the bathroom and vomit, and vomit, and vomit.  I couldn't stop.  I eventually had to call Jerry to come home so he could watch the kids.  I could not pull myself away from the toilet. 

He came home and asked me if I needed to go to the ER...that's how bad I looked.  I said no, just take care of the kids.  Luckily my mom wanted to take the kids to the park so Jerry got a reprieve because he really needed to get some work done.  I was done for the rest of the night.

I took the day off work Thursday because I just could not pull myself out of bed.  I ached all over from throwing up so much.  I also had the chills even though I was freakishly hot.  Jerry asked if I wanted the kids at home and I was all HELL NO.  He took them to daycare and I slept until 10.  The nausea stayed around a little longer and technology was my worst enemy.  I couldn't even tweet because looking at the screen made me want to vomit.  I did manage to keep down toast and some chicken noodle soup so that was a big win.

I still feel like ass today, but am grateful that the marathon vom-a-thon is over.  I swear that I will sell my soul to never have a migraine again.

Monday, March 14, 2011


So this sucks really bad and probably only happens to me.  I mentioned earlier that I started C25K in my effort to get healthy.  I was committed to sticking with the program and I'm proud to say that I did.  I was really starting to enjoy running and looked forward to my runs at night.  I ran after dinner clean up so I would have something in my belly and not wear out too quickly during my run.  It really was the perfect time to run because I would leave the kids with Jerry and he would have quality play time with them and I would have quality alone time.  All was good in my world until I hurt my knee.  I don't know what I did to it, probably just a sprain, but it KILLS!  I seriously want to chop off my leg at the knee just so I can stop hurting.  I'm trying to rest it as much as I can, but really how well does that work when you work full-time, have two young children and have to keep up with house chores?  I have to take Tylenol for the pain just so I can get up and walk around.  I have been putting heat and ice on it and have been using icy hot at night and at work.  It's been a little over a week and it still hurts like a bitch. 

I'm really disappointed because I really did enjoy running.  I'm probably not going to continue running even when I do heal because I don't want to reinjure my knee.  I will start biking instead since it's a low impact sport.  I want to get a trailer for my bike to put the kids in so I can take them on rides.  I think they would enjoy that.  I will try running again, when I am a little less heavy because I truly believe that it's the best way for me to stay healthy.  Running is not a hassle and that's what I need to stick with exercising.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Summer Break

I know it's way early but I am really looking forward to summer break this year.  Last summer was fun, but it really was a pain in the ass trying to haul an infant and a toddler around and do fun things.  (It was even a pain in the ass getting out into the front yard because I couldn't leave either of my kids alone anywhere.)  Tyler was formula fed and he was pretty particular about the temperature of his formula.  He liked his drink HOT and that was really hard to achieve out and about.  It was also hard because everything revolved around his nap schedule.  He was taking two naps back then so we were under major time constraints.  I also had to do a lot of prep work to get two kids out of the house.  Now I only need a few diapers/wipes, a spare set of clothes, which I keep in my car now anyway, a snack, the double stroller and we're off.

This summer is going to be so different.  Tyler is running walking like a pro and he's able to interact with me and Kaitlyn.  He'll really get to do all the fun things that Kaitlyn gets to do instead of sit there in his stroller and watch her have all the fun.  He'll get to participate in story time at the library and I'm super excited to check out the new children's museum.  I don't know how much swimming I'll be doing alone with the kids, that may be something I'll have to only do when I have help since neither child knows how to swim yet.  I do plan on enrolling both of them in swim classes because I know that once they get in it this year that damn pool is going to be tempting.  (Tyler knows how to lift the bar up and he can open the slider if it's unlocked.  Kaitlyn knows how to unlock the slider.  We are pinning the top of the slider and installing an alarm.)

I really want to get a new water/sand table because the one we have is really only for one child, maybe two small children.  I can see the fights start already.  I'll probably have a garage sale soon to get rid of a lot of our baby stuff to make room for some big kid stuff.  Maybe I can even talk Jerry into one of those play sets for the backyard on those days we just want to chill at home.  I'll have to start organizing.

I think I'm going to have to hit the garage sales too to look for clothes the kids can trash.  I want them to be able to paint the sidewalk, play in the sand, make mud pies, etc and not have to worry about them ruining their clothes.  I think with Kaitlyn we can get away with wearing her clothes from last fall that are a wee bit too small but Tyler doesn't have a stock of summer clothes.  (I'm just now starting to buy his summer clothes for daycare.)  Maybe I'll take some stuff to Once Upon a Child and get some play clothes for the kids.

I'll be taking the kids out of daycare for spring break so that will serve as a mini trial for the 2 1/2 months we get in the summer.  I'm going to be scouring the mommy blogs for lots of fun stuff to do.  I'm so excited!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Because I can't seem to put together a coherent blog post I am going to ramble today about what is going on and coming up.

* Tyler is getting two bottom molars (yeouch!) and his two eye teeth at the same time.  I would have never known it had I not tickled him to death a few days ago and looked into his mouth.  
* Tickling Tyler to death also led me to discover he already has his top two molars!  That kid is a champ at teething.
* Jerry is going to be traveling a lot this month due to his promotion at work.  He has to do all the new manager introductions to HP and then things will slow down and he can send other schmoes delegate travel accordingly.
* I get to go to Tahoe with him and snowboard and spa on the company's dime!  The last time I went with him on a business trip was to San Fran.  We were supposed to go to Napa and make it a late anniversary/VERY late homey moon and enjoy wine country.  That did not happen because I was pregnant with Kaitlyn.
* It's Strawberry Festival time!  I love me some strawberry shortcake and I get to make it everyday now that strawberries are like $1 a flat.  (They really aren't that cheap, but they are ridiculously cheap right now since they are in season and they grow an hour away.  Yeah local farmers!)
* Tyler starts in the toddler room today!  He loves it there and I'm glad he doesn't have to go back to the baby room anymore.  He's been transitioning for a little over a week now and he's been saying new words like crazy.  Helps when he's not being baby talked to.
* Kaitlyn is going through a moody stage lately.  She'll be super happy one minute, then you'll say something to her like the Phillies stink and she'll have a breakdown.  Then I'll tickle her and she'll be all manic again.  I'm not liking it at all and want my happy little girl back.  I think she's getting bored at daycare and may just have to do more learning with her at home.
* We had to do deflea our house because we are getting bit.  We washed and sprayed the dog and applied flea treatment on him and also powdered, vacuumed and sprayed our carpets.  Jerry also did all the laundry, linens included just in case there were some eggs.  I don't think we had as many as he thought, but he was being all paranoid and went crazy.  At least I have a clean house now.
* I'll be going to Tallahassee with the kids and my parents to watch my brother play baseball and visit with my sister.  My mom insisted that we all drive up together because she is anxious about me driving with the kids by myself.  Whatever, at least now I get to have adult conversation.
* I jacked up my knee running and I'm dying because I have been resting it and haven't been able to run in two days.  I'm going to walk tonight because it's still a little sore.  I can't take not being able to exercise.  (I can't believe I just said that.)
* I'm tired...all the time.  My momnesia is really kicking my butt lately.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


So I decided that I need to stop being fat and that I need to start getting healthy.  (Notice I did not say skinny.)  I changed my eating habits and doing that alone I dropped 10 lbs.  It most certainly is not enough, but it is a very good beginning.

I am not an exercise person.  I loathe exercise.  I feel that I could be spending my time doing other things like playing with my children, cleaning my house, crafting, etc.  Of course I could be doing those other things instead of exercising, but I NEED to exercise.  I need to do it because I'll be able to play with my children and keep up with them.  I'll be able to clean my house and not get winded cleaning the tub.  I'll be able to craft with a clear head and won't be falling asleep in the hot glue.

I decided that running is the best way for me to get healthy.  I don't want to pay for a gym membership that I'll use for maybe two weeks and then stop going because it's a pain in the ass to get to said gym.  I don't really have enough room in my house to do videos, and really videos get old after awhile.  I can just throw on a t-shirt, shorts and running shoes and I can just hit the pavement.  Problem is, I am NOT a runner.  I hate running.  When I was in school and we had to run a timed mile, I walked the whole thing every year.  It was the easy thing to do and I tend to stick with easy all the time.  I've heard lots of good things about Couch to 5K and decided to download the app to my phone. 

So far? I am in LOVE!  You turn on the app and are good to go.  You just have to make sure you are on the correct day and week.  Music from my Ipod is played through the app so I don't have to switch back and forth, I can just cycle through songs from the app.  The nice robotic lady voice tells you when to run and when to walk and when you're half way done and also when you have a minute left.  Isn't she nice?

The only thing I don't like about the program is there are only 3 days in each week.  I know that I'm the type of person who doesn't do it every day I'll find excuses to not do it at all.  I decided to just do each day twice so that I'm out there running.  It also will help me when it gets harder.  I'll be used to running and I won't want to give up so easily.  It's only 30 minutes a day so I can do it right after I put the kids to bed and not be running in the pitch black dark of the night.  I think that when I'm better at running then I'll try to drag my ass out of bed at 5:30 in the AM and try running to start my day.  Usually me and morning workouts don't well, work out.

I really feel like I'll be successful with this.