Monday, September 20, 2010


It used to be said that if you want information about things that happened in the past, you ask me.  My brother hates that I have such an awesome memory.  It usually gets him in trouble or causes moments of embarrassment in front of his friends.  I think he is also jealous because he honestly cannot remember things that happen earlier in the same day.  I am usually the final judge in an argument about things that happen in the past.  Well if Christy says so, then it is so. 

I remember lots of silly details of things that happened to me and the people in my life.  Like I totally remember the time that my aunt and I were crab fishing at a hotel dock with a piece of string and some bait that some guy gave us because we were just using string at first.  We did catch a crab after a few hundred attempts and we were totally going to bring it home as a pet but my dad put the kibosh on that and made us return him to the kill.  I also remember the time my grandfather, who spoke VERY little English, caught a cicada for my brother to play with and totally traumatized the poor kid because he thought it was a giant fly* and my mom found him hiding and shaking in the closet when she came home from work.  (*My brother is still kinda jumpy when it comes to house flys because I used to torture him with a fake fly because I thought it was the time.)  There are tons more stories that I remember, but that is another post in and of itself.  (Maybe I'll start doing meme Monday's or something.)

Nowadays though, I can't remember anything.  I attribute this to being pregnant twice and birthing two babies who literally suck the life force out of me and leave me a stuttering, gibbering mess at the end of the day.  I have to leave myself notes and reminders about everything.  If I don't have it written down, it will be forgotten.  I have reminders constantly going off in Microsoft Outlook telling me when to go to meetings, when to run reports and even when to go to the potty.  (Ok, so I'm not that bad, and my bladder tells me when to do that.)  I am constantly checking and rechecking my calendar because I always feel like I'm missing a meeting or forgetting to do something.  It's driving me insane and it's causing me to be wrong a lot with Jerry which of course is the worse than missing some stupid doctors appointment that I scheduled months ago and never got a reminder call the day before to confirm that I'm still going to show up.  Sheesh.

I need to find a more better and more efficient way to remind myself of what's going on in my life.  If I'm not at work, I don't get those Outlook reminders.  I'm too lazy to text everything in my phone and these days I'm lucky to remember to bring my phone with me.  I can't run around with sticky notes attached to my body and besides, they don't stick very well to skin.  Carrying a planner is not an option because I have enough to carry and my diaper bag is busting at the seems.  Sigh.  If only I was rich enough to hire an assistant to help me keep my life in order.  One can dream though.

(This post was originally slated to be posted in June if that says anything about the current state of my memory.)

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