Monday, December 31, 2012

It's been a long time

Wow it's been such a long time since I last posted.  There has been a lot going on and many changes so I've been pretty busy.  I also have a sneaking suspicion that my biological father may have found my blog and I really don't want to give him any glimpse in to my life because I am pretty much done with him.  I am really tired of him acting like he is a victim in his mess of a life when he's the one who created all of his problems.  Anyway, I really don't want to dwell on that too much.

My coaching job didn't leave me a lot of time because of the ridiculous schedule the middle schoolers are on.  I wasn't getting home until well after 5:30 and by the time I got to cooking and getting the kids bathed and ready for bed it really didn't leave any time to take care of myself or really even to have any kind of quality time with my children.  I hated the job and hated the schedule and I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to change jobs.  There was a lot of bullshit involved with me actually being able to start, but starting after our winter break I will be going back to the high school I was at last year as their Media and Information Technology Specialist!  (For those of you who don't speak Educator, I'm the new high school librarian.)  I am super excited to be in this position as it gives me the best of both worlds.  I still get to coach and teach teachers how to use new technology and also introduce strategies to help them engage their students in mastery learning but I don't have to work with the assholes who generally make a coaches job impossible to do.  These people are usually the worst teachers who think that by simply talking the students will be mesmerized by the sound of their voice and they will somehow magically learn their specific content.  I also get to work with students again which is something that I have missed dearly since leaving the classroom four years ago.  I also get to return to a school that I consider home and know most of the faculty and staff.  My sister is also a first year teacher at this school and I am SO excited to get to work with her!  She's going to be my guinea pig and in return I guess I'll co-sponsor her FBLA club.  We are also beginning to talk to architects so that we can FINALLY get a new school built!  This rebuild has been taken away from us for so many years and we desperately need a new school.  I'm excited because I get to have major input on how the new media center will look.  I am that nerd who has been looking at floor plans and trends for newly built media centers and I told the Principal that we should travel around the state to check out new schools and how they look and flow.  We are also in the process of getting IB authorized which will help draw some super smart students to our school and will help out with our school grade in the coming years.  (We did get an A this year so that is exciting as well!)  It will also help with our reputation of being a ghetto school who is always on lock down because of gang activity, which by the way there is none.

I am so excited to start this new opportunity and really see myself doing this job for a few years.  I've never felt like that with education so hopefully it all works out well for me!