Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant

I'm sorry, but I don't believe for one moment that a woman can't tell she's pregnant.  I can see how they could hide it from others, but how the hell can you not know you're pregnant, especially if it's your third pregnancy?  I will give you the "I didn't have morning sickness" excuse because I didn't have morning sickness with either of my children.  The weight gain excuse is debatable, but not a strong one that I give much credit to.  The one thing that completely baffles me is how the HELL do you explain the movement in your stomach?  You can freaking see it from the outside when the baby gets a certain size!  Tyler constantly got hiccups in utero and Kaitlyn loved to tap dance on my bladder.  What the hell else could move your entire stomach like the movement of a baby?  Unless you are severely an idiot unaware of your body, there is no way in hell that you could make it through an entire pregnancy without knowing that you are pregnant.  Also, labor feels NOTHING like appendicitis or an ovarian cyst or any other health issue that I've heard women use to try and convince people she didn't know she was pregnant until a baby came out of her.  I think that women who say that are just attention seekers, although I don't know why you would want to be known as one of the dumbest people on the planet.  I know there are some really dumb people, but I just can't fathom someone being that dumb.  As sad and unfortunate as it is, even my high schoolers know when they're pregnant.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Hostess

For the second year in a row, I hosted Thanksgiving dinner.  I definitely felt a little more pressure to cook the perfect dinner this year than I did last and I'm  not sure why.  We really only added one more person...I don't count the little people that tag along :)  I know I was way more stressed out about it because I got a migraine on Saturday of all was said and done.  (I'm still suffering from the after affects.) 
We had a great dinner and the food was delicious.  I didn't get much in the leftover department because my mom stole most of the leftovers.  I didn't fight too hard because my family does not do leftovers and hers does.  The kids had a blast playing with their cousins even though poor Tyler was once again surrounded by girls.
I didn't do any Black Friday shopping, mostly because I'm not crazy and not willing to be out there with some real psychos just to save a few bucks.  I did look to see if Toys R Us was having a deal on Power Wheels because that is what "Santa" is bringing for the kids, but I didn't find any worth the trouble.  I'm not against saving money, but trust me, deals stick around through New Years so why fight traffic and seriously crazy people the day after I've experience the worst food coma in the history of the world.
I've mad a commitment to myself that next year I'll be running in our local Turkey Trot so I have to start training now.  I'm on week 4 of the couch to 5K program so it shouldn't be too hard.  I have suddenly developed a strong like to running.  I wouldn't say I love it yet, but I do really like it and try to get out everyday and I never look for excuses to miss a day of running, so that's in my favor.
All-in-all it was great to feast with family and get rave reviews about my cooking.